

What is possible with 1 kWh of electricity?

The power generated by solar panels is expressed in kilowatt-hours (kWh). On a sunny day, you can generate as much as 2 kWh of energy per solar panel. Even on a cloudy day, your renewable system - thanks to diffused light - will generate solar energy. Do you also have a home battery? Then you can store a surplus of generated solar power and use it at a later time. Keep reading to find out what you can do with 1 kWh of electricity.

What is the average energy consumption in the United Kingdom?

An average household consumes 2.700 kWh of electricity each year, which amounts to just over 7 kWh each day. More and more households are choosing solar panels to sustainably meet their electricity demand. Based on an average energy consumption of 2.700 kWh per year, an installation of nine to 10 solar panels is sufficient. It’s also good to keep in mind that the UK is undergoing an energy transition, in which energy usage will play a bigger part for the future.

In practice, during the summer months in the United Kingdom you can generate your own electricity and supply power back to the net-metering grid. In the winter, you still have to take energy from the grid, but you are much less reliant. As power from the grid is expensive, it is important to use the self-generated solar energy efficiently so you can save money on your energy bills.

Generating solar energy: what can you do with 1 kWh?

In the ideal situation, your solar panels generate power, and you use that power directly to run your washing machine and dishwasher. This is both sustainable and economical. But what exactly can you do with 1 kWh of electricity?

With solar panels on the roof, you can generate your own renewable energy. This means that with 10 solar panels on a warm and sunny summer day, you can generate just 20 kWh of solar energy. With this, you can run practically the entire household on renewable electricity alone.

Efficient use of solar energy
Even if your electricity consumption at the end of the year is lower than the output from solar panels, you cannot avoid taking energy from the grid. Currently, only 30 to 50 percent of our own solar energy is used effectively, while the rest is taken from the energy grid. This is great while the net-metering scheme is in effect, but it is not very sustainable.

Do you want to optimise the effective use of solar energy? Then a solar battery is the solution. With a Soly home battery, you are able to store a surplus of generated solar energy when the sun is shining. You can then use this sustainable energy at night when your solar panels are “off”’. In doing so, a solar battery increases your effective use of solar energy to about 80 percent.

Why is it important to know what you can do with one kWh of electricity?
The more you know about your own energy consumption, the easier it becomes to save. It also serves as a motivation to detect and prevent standby consumption. Is your energy consumption currently still higher than your energy yield from solar panels? Making minor changes can make all the difference. Installing a home battery can supply a net surplus of solar energy which can save you money. This is important now, but will be much more so in the future.


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