
Converting sunlight into electricity

The inverter is a crucial part of your solar installation. It ensures that the solar energy generated by the solar panels – i.e. direct current – is converted into alternating current, which can be used within your home and is suitable for both peak and off-peak electricity demand. We will be happy to tell you more about solar panel inverters.

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What does an inverter do?

We are increasingly aware of the advantages of solar energy over traditional, outdated, and fossil energy sources. The number of UK households opting for solar panels has therefore been steadily increasing. Whilst the solar panels are the visible part of the system, the inverter is indispensable for converting solar energy into alternating current. We can use that alternating current to run our dishwashers and washing machines.

Solar panels initially generate direct current. With direct current, the voltage always runs in the same direction: a straight line. An inverter converts direct current into alternating current. This is crucial because most household appliances operate on alternating current. The electrons of alternating current change direction continuously and can thus accommodate peak power demand. A major advantage of alternating current is that less electricity is lost in the transportation of energy.


Enphase inverters

At Soly, we offer two types of inverters: one for parallel-connected systems and one for serial-connected systems. We prefer Enphase inverters. These microinverters maximise the efficiency of each solar panel. Enphase inverters are not installed centrally. Instead, we carefully place them under the panels on your roof. Enphase inverters are particularly suitable for parallel-connected systems.

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Service life of microinverters

The service life of an inverter varies by type and brand. Manufacturers often issue a fixed production guarantee for inverters. That production guarantee gives a general indication of the quality and service life. With Enphase microinverters, you receive a 25-year product guarantee. However, this does not mean that the inverter is no longer useful after that period. The average microinverter has a service life of at least 20 years.

Difference between serial- and parallel-connected systems
What is the difference between parallel and a serial connection of solar panels? Parallel connection of solar panels is preferred if they are covered by shadows for part of the day. In a parallel-connected system, each solar panel functions independently within the system. If one panel is covered by shadows, this has no direct effect on the yield of the system. In a serial connection, the system is only as strong as the weakest panel, thereby making it important to eliminate any chance of shadows on one or more solar panels. We currently only offer parallel connection with Enphase microinverters.


Knowledge base

While you are still here: have a look at our knowledge base. It's full of information concerning the benefits and possibilities of solar energy. And we do our bit. Here are some of the most interesting topics we already covered.
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Difference between serial and parallel connection of solar modules
“My roof is partly in the shade, but I would like solar panels. Is that possible?” This is a question we often hear during telephone consultations. So, how about it?
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How many solar panels do I need?
“How many solar panels do I need?” This is a common question people ask themselves when they are considering whether to purchase or rent solar panels.
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Do you need to clean solar panels?
Over the years, the panels are exposed to numerous conditions such as rain, wind, snow, sand, and moss. Is cleaning solar panels a do or don't?