
Combining solar panels with a solar battery

Turn the tide at home. A sustainable future awaits you! And what better way to do that than by investing in sustainability. It is future proof, has a short payback period and delivers great benefits on a daily basis. Of course, your home energy requirements are unique. This is why we opt for a customised solution. The perfect mix of solar panels to meet up your energy needs for most of the year, and a home battery to store energy for later use. This allows you to enjoy 100% green power even at times when the sun is not shining. Your solar package is right around the corner.

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United Kingdom

Smart and sustainable solar packages

To provide you with a solid indication of the costs and possibilities of solar panels and a solar battery, we have selected three fixed packages. Our advisers will be more than happy to tell you which package suits your needs best or build a bespoke solution for you completely free. Solar installations are exempt from VAT in the UK.

6 Solar Panels + 2.6 kWh Solar Battery

from £6,392

High quality solar system
Installation included
Dedicated installation manager
Up to 25 years warranty
12-year workmanship guarantee

10 Solar Panels + 5.2 kWh Solar Battery

from £6,846

High quality solar system
Installation included
Dedicated installation manager
Up to 25 years warranty
12-year workmanship guarantee

13 Solar Panels + 9.5 kWh Solar Battery

from £8,420

High quality solar system
Installation included
Dedicated installation manager
Up to 25 years warranty
12-year workmanship guarantee

Discover our custom solar packages

Household 1: Looking for reliable backup power for lights, Wi-Fi, laptops, entertainment, and essential appliances? Our first package, priced at *£6,392, is the ideal fit for your lifestyle.

Household 2: Need to power up the same appliances as Household 1 plus additions such as a heat pump or air conditioning? Our second package, priced at *£6,846, has you covered.

Household 3: All additions are here, with air conditioning or even a charging station for your electric car! Our third package, priced at *£8,420, is designed for your comprehensive energy needs.

Choose the package that suits your unique requirements and enjoy the benefits of reliable, sustainable power. Contact us today to get started!

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    Preferred package
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    Energy needs

    Generating solar energy with solar panels

    How much energy do you currently consume at home? Wouldn’t it be nice if much of that power demand was covered by the energy generated by solar panels? Get ready to make your household largely independent of the energy grid with solar panels that work for you all year round. Together, we will determine how many solar panels you need. And even better, you can do this yourself with our online configurator. Start right away.

    Sustainable solutions

    Battery Backup storage at home

    Are you already convinced by the benefits of solar panels? If so, we’ll always recommend you to opt for the combination with a home battery right away. This means you will not pay any tax on the purchase. Moreover, the solar battery allows you to store the excess of solar energy, that you do not need immediately, for later use. This way you’ll be up to 80% independent of the energy grid. A big step forward and quite lucrative, too.

    Launch your search for solar packages

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    Free and without obligation

    Open the Solar Configurator

    Check the possibilities of solar panels combined with a home battery at your address. Within a minute you will know everything there is to know about your ideal package.


    Personal advice

    Still interested? That's nice! Our Configurator is only the preliminary stage and thus non-binding. Schedule an appointment with one of our advisors. We would love to tell you more about our solar packages.


    Quotation and installation

    After a comprehensive meeting with your personal Soly advisor, we move on to an offer. Do you agree? Then we set everything in motion to get the installation to you quickly.

    Want to have a chat?

    We are always here for you. Would you like to find out more about our solar packages, or do you have something else on your mind? Feel free to let us know.
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