
Solar panels

What Are the Pros and Cons of Solar Panels in 2024

Are you considering the shift towards more sustainable living in 2024 and beyond? For many homeowners and businesses, solar panels have become the hot-topic of discussion.

Still, solar panel installation is a significant investment and one that should be carefully considered. In this guide, we’ve decided to take a deep dive into the pros and cons of solar panels so that you have all the information you need to make an informed decision. 

Let’s look at the pros and cons, including everything from financial aspects to carbon emissions and grid reliance.




We’ve put together a comprehensive list of the pros and cons of solar panels, but don’t worry if you don’t have time to read it all right now. Here’s a quick summary of the key points we’ll cover. 

  • There are many benefits to solar panels, but there are a few drawbacks to consider as well. 
  • Solar panels help to significantly lower energy bills, although they do require a significant upfront investment. 
  • Solar panels can help you work towards completely offsetting your carbon footprint and help the UK reach its goal of net zero by 2050.
  • Homebuyers are attracted to homes with solar panels, making them a sought-after feature in the real estate market. 
  • National and local government schemes are available to help offset the costs of solar panels. These include the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) and the ECO4, among others. 
  • Solar panel technology is always improving, with new innovations making them more effective and affordable. 
  • Drawbacks include the high initial investment, maintenance, and varying efficiency based on weather conditions. 
  • Having a complete understanding of the pros and cons of solar panels can help you make a better-informed decision about this important investment.


The Benefits of Solar Panels


Each year, more homeowners and businesses alike choose to adopt solar energy, saving them money and helping them to do their part in protecting the environment. Solar panels are an investment, meaning each customer has to carefully weigh up the pros and cons before making their decision. 

There are a number of great benefits of solar panels that make them an increasingly attractive option. Here, we’re going to take a deep dive into the main benefits of solar panels and how they can change the way you consume energy. 

Financial Savings

Money matters. Finances are a major factor for anyone considering an investment in solar energy. While there is an initial investment in the purchase and installation, financial savings are one of the key benefits of solar panels

Reduced Energy Bills

Solar panels allow homeowners and businesses to generate their own electricity, making them less reliant on the national grid. Less grid energy translates to reduced energy bills. On average, installing solar panels can save homeowners up to £270 annually on energy bills. For many homeowners, this is a saving of up to 80%. 

If you’re considering solar panels, understanding your energy bill is a good place to begin estimating your potential cost savings. Demystifying UK Energy Bills: A Comprehensive Guide for 2024 explains energy bills in detail, including the energy price cap, and tips for improving home energy efficiency.

Smart Export Guarantee (SEG)

Homeowners with solar panels can take advantage of the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG), which allows the sale of excess electricity back into the grid. 

Homeowners who generate their own energy, through solar panels, wind turbines, and hydroelectricity, often produce a surplus that goes unused. The SEG, which was put into place in 2020, provides consumers with the opportunity to put extra money back into their pockets by selling that excess. 

Environmental Impact

Adopting renewable energy is one of the most impactful steps that we as consumers can take to reduce global consumption of fossil fuels. The UK has its sights set on meeting major renewable energy goals in the near future. By 2030, the goal is to have 35%-40% of all energy consumed in the UK to be from renewable sources. By the year 2050, the goal is to be net zero. 

Solar energy systems are the most common form of renewable energy adopted by homeowners, and this is having a positive effect on the environment. 

Here’s a closer look at how a reduced carbon footprint is one of the most important solar energy benefits

Reduced Carbon Footprint

Solar panels produce zero CO2 in energy generation. As households move from fossil fuel energy to solar, they become less dependent on the grid and can begin moving toward offsetting their carbon footprint. 

Critics of solar panels will point out the CO2 created during the production and transport of the panels. This is true; there is a level of CO2 released during manufacture. However, this is completely offset within two years after installation. A look at our guide How Much CO2 Emissions Can Be Saved With Solar Panels provides a breakdown of CO2 savings, while factoring in panel production. 

Homeowners seeking  to reduce their carbon footprint will be happy to know that installing 16 solar panels at 390 Wp each will save approximately 2,000 kg of CO2 per year.

Property Value

Today’s home buyers are looking for features that will improve their lives and the environment. We’ve seen a shift toward green trends, and there’s no question that homes with environmentally friendly features stand out. It makes sense that solar panels are one of these features that attract prospective home buyers to a property. 

Whether you’re planning on selling your home in the near future, or maybe just considering it as a distant possibility, increased property value is one of the major advantages of solar panels

Increased Property Value

As energy bills are continually climbing higher and higher, more people are looking for ways to reduce their spending. Reducing energy consumption is one approach, but a household can only reasonably accomplish this to a certain degree. Solar panels significantly reduce energy bills, making them an attractive feature when it comes  to purchasing a home. 

Looking at the increased property value of homes with solar panels, we see that they offer a price premium of 0.9% to 2% on average. Of course, home values depend on multiple factors, including the home itself, location, etc., but the increase in value is consistent across the board and can be even higher with some homes. 

The increase in property value is usually enough to offset the cost of installation by at least half, if not more. This is in addition to the cost savings that come with the regular energy bill. 

Also, for some home buyers, it isn’t just about value. They like how solar panels make a home visually stand out, and they like the idea of doing something positive for the environment. Plus, with Soly solar panels, the low level of maintenance and no required cleaning is a major perk. 

When talking about the benefits of solar installation, we always like to refer to one of our happy customer stories. Here is Marco’s story about his experience with Soly solar panels. 

Energy Independence

Solar panels allow homes and businesses to become less dependent on the national grid for energy. This is always a good thing and is one of the biggest advantages of solar energy

Reduced Grid Dependency

The more of us who are reliant on the grid for energy, the more we’re collectively fueling greenhouse gas emissions. However, with the installation of solar panels, grid dependency begins to decline immediately. 

While we’ve touched upon the financial benefits of solar panels with reduced energy bills, it’s important to also take into consideration the peace of mind that reduced grid dependency provides. 

We have all experienced unstable grid energy at times. With solar panels, there is no concern about what will happen during power outages. This is especially true for homes with a battery to store excess energy.


Drawbacks of Solar Panels


While there are many advantages to solar panels, it’s also important to consider the potential drawbacks. This can help you better understand any limitations or challenges of solar panels and how they may affect you. With this knowledge, you’re better equipped to make the most informed decision about whether solar panels are the right choice for you. 

Here’s a look at the main cons of solar panels. 

High Initial Investment

One of the main  disadvantages of solar power that causes people to be hesitant to adopt renewable energy is cost. We’ve seen in recent years that advanced technology in solar panels has made them more affordable to produce, and those savings have been passed onto the consumer in the form of lower prices. And, while solar panels pay for themselves over time, there’s no question that initial investment can be substantial and a hurdle for homeowners. 

As a consumer, you do have some control over how much your investment in solar panels will cost. However, going for the cheapest route is seldom the most cost-effective in the long run. Multiple factors, including your energy usage, will determine how many panels you need, which affects cost. There are also different types of solar panels with varying levels of efficiency. Less efficient panels will cost less, but provide a slower financial return on your investment. 

Installation Costs

There’s more to the costs of solar panels than just the panels themselves. The average cost of installing a solar panel system is $22,022, which includes the process of installation and the labour of skilled installation experts. 

We’ve provided a breakdown of UK Solar Panel Prices 2024, which offers more detailed information about the installation costs involved in installing solar panels. When considering the cost of the initial investment, it’s important to also recognize the long-term value and how quickly you’ll begin to see a return on your investment.

Weather Dependency

While the efficiency of solar panels can be affected by the weather, the idea that they are completely weather-dependent is a misconception about the cons of solar energy.  

Reduced Efficiency in Cloudy Weather

Yes, it’s true that solar panels work best during peak sun brightness, but this doesn’t mean that they don’t work at all on rainy or overcast days. Modern advancements in technology have improved overall performance for cloudy, rainy, and snowy conditions. However, if you live in an area that is frequently overcast, you likely won’t get the exact level of efficiency as someone in a sunnier location.

The quality and efficiency of solar panels make a difference in the reduced efficiency in cloudy weather. Cloud coverage can cut solar generation by as much as half, and up to 67% during heavy cloud cover. However, solar panels from Soly will still continue to generate more than adequate energy, even on rainy and cloudy days.

Space and Roof Requirements

Before making your mind up about solar panels, it’s important to first learn if they’ll work with your property. This is one of the disadvantages of solar energy that might be overlooked when first considering solar panels. Not every roof is compatible with solar panels, and factors like the age, shape, and condition of the roof can determine if solar is a good investment. 

Let’s further explore the requirements for having a solar panel on roof system. 

Roof Suitability

The ideal roof for solar panels is one that is in good shape and not in need of any major repairs or replacement. Roofs that are ten years old or less tend to be the most stable and suitable for solar panels. However, it’s really about how structurally sound a roof is and its anticipated lifespan. An older roof with quality construction and materials may be just as capable of holding up to solar installation. 

Roof angle and orientation can also prove to be an advantage or disadvantage for roof suitability. A roof with a 30-45 degree angle that is also south-facing is the best suited for high efficiency with solar panels. However, this doesn’t mean that other roof types or orientations are out of the question. However, it does mean that installation may be more complex and costly, sometimes involving minor modifications to the home. 

Space is also an important consideration. The area of the roof needs to be large enough to accommodate the appropriate number of panels based on your energy needs. 

Our article “How Many Solar Panels Do I Need? A Comprehensive Guide” offers further guidance on assessing roof suitability for solar panels.

Maintenance and Lifespan

Most solar panels aren’t entirely maintenance-free across their lifespan, making it important to understand what type of maintenance to expect. It’s also a good idea to know the average lifespan of your panels so that you can plan for the future. 

First, while solar technology has greatly improved, not all solar panels are created equal. In general, solar panels are relatively low-maintenance, but some do require regular cleaning and upkeep. Doing some preliminary research will help you better understand the upkeep advantages and disadvantages of solar power

Regular Cleaning and Inverter Replacement

One of the advantages of Soly solar panels is that they don’t require regular cleaning like many others. With other solar panels, you should plan on prioritising cleaning and upkeep at least a couple of times a year. 

Another cost to consider is inverter replacement. An inverter is an important element of a solar panel system, and a high-quality inverter can increase the system’s efficiency. Another benefit of a high-quality inverter is that the lifespan is generally longer. A typical inverter will need to be replaced every ten to fifteen years. An inverter from a highly reputable manufacturer may cost more initially but can have a lifespan that matches that of your solar panels. 

Whichever system you choose, make sure you’re following the recommended guidelines for regular cleaning and inverter replacement to maximise both the efficiency and lifespan of your solar energy system. 

Maintenance Task Frequency Notes
——————————— —————– ———————————
Cleaning Solar Panels Twice a year

*Soly panels don’t require regular cleaning

Use non-abrasive, soft cloth
Inverter Inspection Every 6 to 12 months  Check for any signs of wear
Wiring and Connections Check Annually Ensure all connections are secure
Performance Monitoring Monthly Track energy output
Professional Maintenance Service Every 2-3 years Hire a certified technician


Technological Advances and Trends


As we power forward with the goal of becoming net zero by 2050, we’re seeing advancements in renewable energy technology keeping pace. Looking at the solar energy industry specifically, it’s great to see that it’s constantly evolving, meeting the needs and demands of consumers. 

As technology advances, it also changes solar energy pros and cons. Forward-moving technology is helping to minimise, and in some cases completely overcome, the disadvantages that prevent the adoption of solar energy. 

Efficiency Improvements

Solar panel manufacturers are taking advantage of new materials and technologies to increase the efficiency of solar panels across the board. The focus on continual improvement is one of the greatest advantages of solar. Among the most promising advancements today is the development of perovskite solar cells, which far outpace traditional silicon cells in performance. 

Perovskite Solar Cells

One of the most important advancements we’ve seen in solar technology is the growing use of perovskite solar cells. Perovskite is a type of material used in the light-absorbing layers of solar cells, and it consistently captures more energy than silicon cells. Some estimates claim that perovskite can capture as much as 20% more energy compared to traditional cells. 

Considering that three-quarters of new renewable energy capacity came from solar power in 2023, perovskite is a key advancement for solar technology. 

Decreasing Costs

The cost of solar panels has been on a downward slide in recent years, which is a great thing for those who have held out on purchasing solar panels due to the cost. As solar technology becomes more efficient and economical, it is also becoming more accessible to homeowners and businesses on a larger scale.


Financial Incentives and Support


While the costs of solar panels have been a prohibitive disadvantage for many people, financial incentives and support are turning that around. With these financial supports, more homes are able to tap into the benefits of solar energy

Grants and Subsidies

Financial incentives offered by the UK government help to reduce the costs of adopting renewable energy for homeowners. When factoring in whether the costs are drawbacks or pros of solar energy, make sure to take a thorough look at the current government schemes and incentives available. 

Smart Export Guarantee (SEG)

The Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) is a program that allows homeowners to earn revenue by selling their excess electricity back to the grid. The SEG can help homeowners recover the costs of solar panels and also encourage mindful energy consumption. 

ECO4 Scheme

The ECO4 Scheme helps to cover the costs of solar panels and other renewable or sustainable energy products and upgrades. In some cases, the ECO4 can cover as much as 100% of the purchase and installation costs of solar panels. 

The ECO4 Scheme aims to help make renewable energy more accessible for homeowners whose homes receive poor Energy Performance Certificate Scores, or for those who receive certain benefits due to financial need. 

State and Local Incentives

In addition to national schemes, there may be local incentives available to help offset the costs of solar panels and other renewable energy products. Local programs can provide a range of support and funding for those considering solar panels, and in many cases, make them more financially accessible. 

To find out more about what schemes might be available locally, visit Gov.UK or your local government website. 

Local Grants

Local grants can help subsidise the cost of solar panels, and they are tailored to the more specific needs of the region. 

For example, Scotland offers the Home Energy Scotland Loan and Grant Scheme that may cover up to 75% of energy improvement costs. Similar to the ECO4, Wales offers the Warm Homes Nest Scheme for homes that receive an energy rating of E, F, or G. 

For more information, this article can help you better understand the options for government grants and solar panels UK.


Emerging Trends and Future Prospects


We’ve already discussed how advancing technology is one of the important solar energy advantages that is helping to make renewable energy products more accessible. Staying up-to-date on new developments can help guide you toward making the decision to commit to solar at the right time. 

Technological Innovations

New technology is constantly being developed and tested behind the scenes in the solar energy industry. Recent technologies have helped to make solar panels more efficient, less expensive, and more accessible. 

As we’ve mentioned, perovskite solar cells are changing the game in solar efficiency, and we’re also seeing technology like advanced battery storage solutions. Solar energy pros are working to continually improve solar panel optimisation to make them higher-quality, lighter weight, more efficient, and more affordable than in the past. 

Market Growth

Market growth is an underrated contributor to the pros and cons of solar energy. The growth of the solar market has a direct impact on affordability and innovations. It’s simple economics that as the industry grows and more people turn to solar energy products, they become more affordable and widely available. 

New innovations allow for solar panels to be produced at a lower cost, while at the same time improving overall efficiency for businesses and homeowners. This combination is sure to attract more people to solar panels and contribute to further growth and investment in the industry.

Learnings Recap


In this guide, we’ve covered the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy. Solar panels offer many benefits, but it’s important to also acknowledge the potential drawbacks. Let’s look at a recap of the key points covered. 

  • Solar panels are the most popular solar energy products for homeowners.
  • Solar panels offer financial savings by reducing energy bills.
  • Solar energy products are among the most efficient ways that households can reduce their carbon footprint. 
  • While the cost of solar panels can be seen as a hurdle, government and local schemes and grants can assist in offsetting the costs. 
  • Solar innovation and advancement in technology have made solar panels more efficient and financially accessible. 
  • When deciding on solar panels, considering the drawbacks will help you make an informed decision. Drawbacks might include weather or having an incompatible roof.


Final Thoughts


At Soly, we understand that  investing in solar panels is a major decision. It’s one that should be considered carefully while looking at both the pros and cons of solar panels for your home. With access to the full picture of both benefits and drawbacks, you as a consumer have the information you need to make the best decision. Consider your energy goals for the future, your energy needs in the present, and the most efficient plan for achieving both. 

Soly is here to help you navigate the process, maximise your investment, and help in any way we can. You can start by reading The Ultimate Guide to Solar Panels with Battery Storage for Homeowners, for additional insights. You can also run your information directly through our Solar Configurator

As a next step, we encourage you to contact our Soly Solar Experts who can walk you through your options, help you decide if solar panels are right for you, and answer all of your questions with no pressure to commit.

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