
How long do solar panels last?

The minimum lifespan of solar panels is 25 years. Often, solar panels last even longer. In fact, the solar industry is highly innovative, such that the quality and efficiency of solar panels improves constantly. Most solar panel manufacturers guarantee a minimum warranty of 25 years on solar panels. Installing solar, therefore, makes for an investment in both quality and sustainability, well into the future. We can tell you everything you need to know about the lifespan of solar panels.

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What determines the lifespan of solar panels?

More and more households are investing in solar energy. Thanks to solar energy, we can become increasingly less dependent on energy suppliers and save a lot on energy costs. On the other hand, a solar installation is quite an investment, especially if you choose to purchase solar panels outright. Thankfully, solar panels offer a lifelong return.

The lifespan of solar panels is determined by their quality. Quality in turn affects both yield and efficiency. To ensure the desired product life cycle, solar panels need to meet certain quality standards. At Soly, solar panels are therefore extensively tested both prior to production and after production. As an end user, you are assured of the highest quality solar panels, reflected in high peak output power, durable materials, and a long service life.


Warranty on solar panels

Once solar panels are installed onto the roof, they will be exposed to all the elements: sunlight, strong wind, rainfall, snowfall, and freezing temperatures. That is why we test the solar panels under the most extreme weather conditions. We value the highest quality standards, and our warranties on solar panels ensure that you can rely on the same high quality not only today, but also 25 years from now.


Enjoying 100% renewable solar energy

At Soly, we want you to be able to enjoy 100% of your own renewable energy, now, in 5 years time, and even 25 years into the future. Get familiar with our products and assure yourself of their reliable and sustainable quality. Find out more about our excellent service. In the unlikely event that you encounter an issue with your solar installation, we will always be available to help you out. Such is our promise here at Soly.

Ensuring solar module quality

At the outset, a solar panel has a predetermined quality, peak output power and a certain number of solar cells. The solar cells convert energy from the sun into direct current, after which our microinverters invert said power to alternating current. To select for optimal quality and life cycle of solar panels, we observe the following key characteristics:

✓ Peak output power
✓  Degradation
✓  Quality of materials

The data sheet of our solar panels always shows the maximum degradation of the solar panels over the years. Our solar panels have a linear degradation. This means that the solar panels gradually become less efficient over 25 years. This is to be expected for any type of solar panel. Linear degradation of solar panels means that efficiency decreases by a (more or less) set percentage every year. If a solar panel’s degradation exceeds that of the predetermined annual maximum, you may invoke the relevant warranty.


Knowledge base

Are you curious about everything to do with solar systems? In our knowledge database you will find more, much more. For your convenience, we have divided everything into different categories. So you can quickly and easily find the answer to your question.
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How much CO₂ emissions can be saved with solar panels?
Those who choose solar panels enjoy numerous benefits. Among other things, you will save on monthly energy costs. But how about CO-2 emissions?
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Do you need to clean solar panels?
When you have solar panels on the roof, you naturally want to benefit from the optimum efficiency. Do you also need to clean them?
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How many solar panels do I need?
This is a common question people ask themselves when they are considering whether to purchase or rent solar panels. We'll tell you all about it.

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