Shout it from the Rooftops

Spread solar at a sunny price in just 2 steps

icon  Enter your friend's contact details in the form so we can contact them. You can nominate as many friends as you like.

icon  Earn £300 for every friend that installs solar with Soly, with no limits. Your friend will also receive a £300 discount.

Refer a friend

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Earn £300 and give away £300 off!

Once you’ve had solar panels installed with us, you’ll be saving money on your energy bills and reducing your environmental impact. Why not spread the word on sustainable living and invite your friends to share in the benefits of a renewable, clean energy source at a reduced cost?

Everyone can benefit from the sun. Whether they’re a friend, relative, colleague or neighbour, simply provide their contact details below so we can help them make the switch to solar. 

You can refer an unlimited number of friends and will get £300 every time one of them installs with us.

Both you and your friend will receive your referral fee once installation has been completed.


Together, we can make the world a brighter, cleaner place.

Let's grow the solar community

We will contact your referral to provide them with a bespoke discounted quote.

Remember the more the merrier – £300 for each person you refer that installs with Soly!

  • Our renewable energy expert will help you decide the best solar options for you.
  • All of our solar panel installation partners are MCS accredited.
  • All our quotes include installation.
  • Monthly finance options available for new customers.

Free and no-obligation

Refer a friend

    Friends Details

    T&C's apply here
    Refer Friends and Reduce your Payback Period
    Customer Example: Martyn, from Canterbury
    Soly customer Martyn has referred 3 friends to us. One of these friends has gone ahead with installation and the other two are in the early stages of the sales process - they all got £300 off their quotation because Martyn referred them. Once all 3 of his referrals complete their installation, Martyn will have earned back £900, reducing his payback period by nearly a year!

    FAQs - The Referral Process

    When will I get my fee for referring a friend?
    You will receive your £300 referral fee once your friend's installation is complete.
    When will my referral receive their discount?
    The person you refer will get £300 deducted from their quote if they go ahead with the installation.
    Can I refer more than one person?
    Yes! You can refer an unlimited number of people and will get £300 cash back once your referral's installation is complete.

    Get in touch

    The staff at Soly do all they can to make the sun shine for you. Can’t find the answer to your question? We will be happy to help you.
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