
Solar panels

Do Solar Panels Need Cleaning? Everything You Need to Know

The world is continuing to shift gears towards renewable energy. As time goes on, we’re seeing solar panels pop up on rooftops and in fields everywhere. But here’s the big question that just keeps coming up: do solar panels need cleaning? The answer my friends, with most solar panels is yes.

But guess what? When you choose to get your solar panels from Soly, you’ve got the upper-hand. That’s because, unlike most solar panels, the panels from Soly don’t need cleaning!

But in this article, we’re not just talking about our panels, we’re going all-in. As solar experts, we believe that you need to know all that you can about solar panels that do need cleaning as well.

So, let’s think about this for a minute. If you have solar panels on your roof, you need to make sure they’re working at their very best, right? Over time, these panels are exposed to many conditions like rain, wind, snow, sand, and even moss. Naturally, people will start to wonder, how on Earth shall we clean them and when?

In this post, we’re taking a deep dive into all things you need to know to keep your panels squeaky clean (unless they’re from Soly). We’ll cover everything from DIY cleaning to hiring the pros, to handy tips and tricks to keep your solar panels in the best shape. Let’s go!




  • Cleaning solar panels is essential for maintaining efficiency and maximising energy output.
  • Soly solar panels save you time and money as they don’t require cleaning.
  • Most experts recommend cleaning solar panels two to four times a year.
  • DIY cleaning can save money but comes with safety risks.
  • Professional cleaning services offer expertise and safety but at a higher cost.
  • Environmental factors like climate and pollution levels affect cleaning frequency.
  • Advanced technologies like cleaning robots and drones can make the process more efficient.
  • Regular maintenance and monitoring are crucial for long-term solar panel performance.
  • Understanding warranties and insurance can protect your investment.


Is Cleaning Solar Panels Important?


At Soly, we pride ourselves on having panels that you don’t have to clean, but since not all panels are built the same, we definitely want to go over why it’s important to clean those that do require it. 

When solar panels get dirty, it’s much harder for them to work as efficiently as they once did. So to answer the question, again, yes, solar panel cleaning is important. When dirt and debris builds up over time, they block the sunlight from reaching the cells, which means less energy production. When you clean your panels, they’ll work at their best, save you money, and continue to reduce your carbon footprint.

Solar panels convert light into electricity so anything blocking that light can lead to a drop in power output. In fact, according to MIT News, dust buildup alone can reduce your panel’s output by 30% in just a month’s time.

Impact of Dirt and Debris

In fact, according to Science Direct, dirty solar panels can lose up to 30% of their efficiency in a month, and in extreme cases, up to 85%. That’s a huge chunk of potential gone to waste!

Good to know: rain can help! Although dust has a substantial unavoidable impact, thankfully, rain has an impact of its own. Rain can wash away dust and dirt. As rain prevents the build-up of grime, it can improve the efficiency of your panels.

Types of Contaminants

When thinking about cleaning solar panels, it’s important to remember that the panels are out in the elements all day, every day. This means they can get pretty dirty over time. Here are  the main culprits to take note of:

  • Dust & Dirt: Common, especially in dry climates.
  • Bird Droppings: Stubborn, can create tough-to-remove spots.
  • Leaves & Organic Debris: In the autumn, leaves settle on the panels blocking sunlight.
  • Pollution: Depending on your location, if you live near factories or busy roads, pollution can leave grime on your panels.

Each of these contaminants can impact your panels by obstructing sunlight. This is why cleaning your solar panels is so important.

Case Study: Google’s Findings

Google actually did a case study of their own to answer the question: “Do solar panels need cleaning?”

Google’s Dirty Solar Panels Study

From their study, after 15 months of not cleaning their panels, Google decided to wash just a portion of them. The results were notable. The output of the solar panels that were cleaned doubled overnight. Eight months later, another solar panel cleaning session led to a 36% increase in efficiency.

Google tested both flat and tilted panels. The flat panels showed dramatic improvements because they tend to accumulate more dirt. The tilted panels didn’t see as much improvement after solar panel cleaning because rainwater was able to naturally wash away most of the grime.

Efficiency and Financial Implications

Dirty solar panels are costly. It’s essential to protect your financial investment and dirty panels mean less energy production which translates to lower savings on your energy bills. This is especially crucial for those who depend on solar panels to generate through feed-in tariffs or sell excess energy back to the grid, making solar panel cleaning paramount. Look at it this way: If your solar panels are operating at only 75% because they’re dirty, you’re losing 25% of your potential savings. A loss like this can add up quickly and affect your overall return on investment.

When deciding on whether or not you should clean your solar panels, a good place to start is with videos that conduct thorough research like this one: Should You Clean Your Solar Panels? Before/After Testing.


When and How Often to Clean Solar Panels


Obviously, we definitely understand that solar panel cleaning is a must for certain solar panels. But just how often should you clean a solar panel? The answer depends on many factors, including your location, climate, and specific installation conditions. It also depends on your specific solar panels. Remember, Soly panels don’t require cleaning!

Optimal Cleaning Frequency

If your panels aren’t from Soly, most experts suggest dirty solar panels should be cleaned at least once or twice a year. Forbes states the best times to clean solar panels on roofs or otherwise are in the Spring or Autumn. However, they also point out that if you notice your panels are getting really grimey, it may be high-time for an extra cleaning.

When to Clean Your Solar Panels:

  • Light Dirt: A small layer of snow or sand isn’t usually a big deal. Your system will keep working normally, and rain can often wash away lighter debris.
  • Heavy Dirt: In cases where the panels are really dirty, like with moss formation, cleaning is recommended. But only if you feel confident climbing up onto your roof.

Additionally, for solar panel cleaning, location and conditions matter. Drier climates may cause more dust to accumulate on the panels. In wooded areas, they may need to be cleaned more than twice a year as well. However, locations that receive a lot of rain and have tilted solar panels may not need to clean the solar panels as often.


Monitoring Solar Panel Performance

When you’re truly thinking about, “do solar panels need cleaning?,” you must remember that you can manage what you don’t measure. You need to keep a close eye on the performance of your solar panels. This will help you determine when cleaning is most necessary. Many modern solar systems come with tools that allow you to monitor your energy production in real time. If you see a big drop in performance that isn’t weather-related, it might be time to clean the solar panels.

Tools for Monitoring

In terms of the types of tools that you can use to monitor and track the performance, there are many out there that can help you decide when to clean your solar panels. Here’s some examples:

  • Monitoring Apps: Mobile Apps that track solar panel performance in real-time.
  • Web-Based Platforms: Online dashboards that provide detailed analytics through a web browser.
  • Power Optimisers: Devices installed on individual panels to monitor and maximise their output. They help you identify and address underperforming panels.
  • Inverter Monitoring Systems: Inverters that come with built-in monitoring capabilities.
  • Energy Metres: Devices that measure the amount of energy produced and consumed.
  • Data Loggers: Tools that record and store performance data over time.
  • Alert Systems: Features that notify you of any significant drops in performance or other issues through email or SMS alerts.
  • Home Energy Management Systems: Integrated systems that monitor solar production and overall home energy usage.
  • Visual Inspection Tools: Cameras or drones that provide a visual check of your solar panels, identifying physical issues like dirt buildup or damage.
  • Software Solutions: Programs that offer comprehensive performance analytics and generate reports about your solar panels.

Visual Inspections

While monitoring tools are super helpful, nothing beats a good old-fashioned visual inspection when it comes to deciding on if it’s time for a solar panel cleaning. You should keep on the lookout for any signs that it’s time. Here’s some tips for a thorough visual inspection:

  • Look for visible dust, leaves, bird droppings, or other debris.
  • Check the surrounding area for new sources of dirt.
  • If you see dirt build-up, it’s time to schedule a cleaning.

Signs of Dirt Accumulation

When performing your visual inspection and looking for any signs of dirt accumulation. Here’s some practical tips for spotting dirt build-up:

  • Visible dust or grime on panels.
  • Stubborn bird droppings.
  • Accumulated leaves or organic debris.
  • Nearby construction and increasing dust levels.


How to Clean Solar Panels Safely


Thinking about how to clean solar panels that aren’t from Soly may seem like a pretty straightforward process. However, it’s crucial to do it safely. If you use the wrong methods, you could damage your panels or cause personal injury. Although you don’t have to clean solar panels from Soly, as Solar Experts, we know a thing or two about all things solar, so let’s walk through the best way to clean solar panels (not necessary with our panels!), whether you’re doing it yourself or hiring professionals:

Safety Precautions

When cleaning your solar panels, safety first! For instance, if you clean solar panels on a roof, working at heights can be risky. So be sure to use the right safety gear:

  • Gloves
  • Safety glasses
  • Harnesses

And remember, if you’re not comfortable with heights, consider hiring a professional to do the job for you.

Cleaning Tools and Techniques

When cleaning your solar panels, it’s also important to use the right tools and techniques. This can make a big difference in just how safe and effective your solar panel cleaning is. Here’s the best practices to follow:

  • Use soft brushes and squeegees.
  • Avoid high-pressure water and abrasive materials.
  • Choose tools specifically designed for solar panels.

Soft Brushes and Squeegees

Soft brushes and squeegees are your best friend when it comes to cleaning a solar panel. Tools like this remove dirt and debris without scratching the surface of the solar panel. Here’s some tips for using brushes and squeegees:

  • Choose soft-bristled brushes to avoid scratching.
  • Use squeegees with plastic blades and non-abrasive sponges.
  • Clean gently to maintain the panel’s integrity.

Water Quality and Temperature

When cleaning solar panels, the quality and temperature of the water you use is important. Hard water can leave mineral deposits on the solar panels and reduce their efficiency. Here’s some more tips for the water you use to clean your solar panels:

  • Use deionised water (this is best) to avoid residue.
  • Avoid cold water on hot panels to prevent cracking.
  • Lukewarm water is best for cleaning.


Professional Cleaning Services


Cleaning your solar panels all by yourself can be great, but sometimes, the best way to clean solar panels is to call in the pros. The professionals have the know-how, tools, and safety measures to get your panels nice-and-spotless. Let’s take a look at why this investment might be worthwhile:

Benefits of Professional Cleaning

When it comes to getting your  solar panels squeaky clean, that’s just one of the solid perks you get from putting your faith in the hands of the professionals. Professionals handle everything. First and foremost, safety is taken care of, especially if it involves cleaning solar panels on the roof. They also use specialised equipment such as solar panel cleaning robots which take care of and clean large areas quickly and effectively. What’s more, they know just how to clean your solar panels without damaging them, which may be important to some regarding their warranty, depending on the panel provider.

Cost of Professional Cleaning

The cost of a professional solar panel cleaning will vary. It’s going to depend on several factors. Things like the number of panels, just how dirty they are, the duration of time, how high off the ground they are, and how easy they are to reach. On average, you might spend anywhere between £100 and £150 for a standard residential cleaning. While this might seem like an additional cost, keeping your panels clean and working at their best tends to make it worth the investment.


Common Questions


You may still have some questions about cleaning your solar panels- no worries! Here’s some answers to the most common questions:

How often should I clean my solar panels?

If you get your solar panels from Soly, you don’t have to worry about cleaning them. This is one of the best advantages of our solar panels – no cleaning required. In the instance that you get your panels from somewhere else, solar panel cleaning varies and should be done every six months to a year according to experts. However, if you live in a dusty area, or even near ongoing construction, it may need to be done up to 4 or more times a year. Additionally, be sure to keep a close eye on your system’s performance, as this will help you figure out the best solar panel cleaning schedule.

Can I clean my solar panels myself?

Cleaning your solar panels can be done on your own, but you must be sure to take proper safety precautions and use the right tools. If your panels are on the roof and heights aren’t your thing, consider hiring a pro. For ground-mounted panels, be sure to use the right soft brushes and deionised water. Additionally consider these four tips for cleaning your solar panels:

  • Use Neutral Detergents: Avoid harsh products, scouring sponges, or high-pressure sprayers.
  • Lukewarm Water and Soft Sponge or Cloth: This combo helps rinse away dirt without scratching the panels.
  • Telescopic Wiper: If you’re not keen on climbing the roof, use a telescopic wiper with your garden hose.
  • Spring Cleaning: The best time to clean your panels is at the end of winter to maximise their efficiency during spring and summer.

Does rain clean solar panels?

As we stated earlier, rain can be great for tilted panels and can help wash away dust and debris. But when it comes to dirty solar panels that have bird droppings, pollen, and other stubborn contaminants, it’s going to need a  more thorough clean than gentle rain (unless the panels are from Soly). Manual cleaning will ensure that your solar panels operate at maximum efficiency.


Environmental and Regional Considerations


Again, unless your panels come from a provider like Soly, your location and environment also play a big role in how often you need to clean your solar panels. Below, we’ll look at how climate and pollution can affect your cleaning schedule:

Impact of Climate

These days, climate affects everything. From solar panel costs in the UK to solar panel cleaning, the impact of climate is far-reaching. Different climates can cause different issues. In dry areas, dust and sand can be an issue, where more solar cleanings are a must. In humid places, mould and algae can grow and become a real problem. It’s important to understand how your local climate impacts your solar panels so that you can develop an effective solar cleaning schedule.

Regional Pollution Levels

In high-pollution areas, such as cities with vehicle and industrial emissions, solar panel cleanings may need to be increased. In rural locations, agricultural dust and bird droppings may be more of an issue. By regularly monitoring and making a visual assessment, you’ll be able to quantify regional pollution effects on your panels.

Seasonal Weather Patterns

Seasonal changes also affect cleaning. You have to take care when sweeping away ice or snow in winter, just like leaves during the autumn , or increased rainfalls that are responsible for the dirtying of your solar panels. Knowing these patterns allows you to schedule solar cleanings effectively.


Advanced Cleaning Technologies


As the tech sector continues to move forward, new technologies are making it easier and safer to get your solar panels cleaned. For those whose  solar panels need cleaning, here’s a closer look at some of the latest tools and techniques:

Cleaning Robots

Large solar arrays are just the job for cleaning robots. They clean autonomously, using soft brushes and water jets to wash away dirt —reducing a large amount of manual labour and safety risks. These robots are the best way to clean solar panels for big commercial setups.

Drones for Inspection

For clean solar panels, drones with high-resolution cameras can inspect your panels  from the air. They quickly spot any areas that need cleaning or maintenance without the need for manual checks. This is really handy for a large installation or areas that are hard to reach.


Long-Term Maintenance Strategies


Cleaning your solar panels involves having a solid maintenance plan in place to ensure your solar panels last longer and stay efficient. Here’s how you can keep your panels in the best shape:

Scheduled Cleaning and Maintenance

Regularly scheduled solar panel cleaning and maintenance help prevent major issues and keep your panels in working order. A good schedule could include bi-annual solar cleanings and quarterly inspections. This will help to address any problems before they get out of hand.

Performance Monitoring Systems

As mentioned above, performance monitoring systems are great for tracking your solar panels efficiency and identifying when it’s time to clean a solar panel (or if maintenance is needed).


Understanding Warranties and Insurance


Knowing the details on your solar panel warranty and insurance information can protect you from any potential issues. For instance, Soly’s panels come with a 25 year warranty, which is much longer than most, and again, our panels are designed to not need cleaning, so there’s no need for you to break a sweat or hire a professional. Here’s what you need to know about warranty requirements and insurance when it comes to solar panels cleaning:

Warranty Requirements

In some cases, warranties require that solar panels are cleaned by professionals only.  Be sure to review your warranty terms and keep records of any and all maintenance activities to avoid problems with claims.

Insurance Considerations

When it comes to a solar cleaning, be sure to check your home insurance policy to see what’s covered for your solar panels. Make sure your policy includes accidental damage during cleaning and maintenance. If you hire professionals, confirm they have insurance coverage to protect against any damages.


Learnings Recap


As we wrap up this comprehensive guide that answers the question, “do solar panels need cleaning?”, let’s recap just what we’ve learned:

  • Regular cleaning keeps your solar panels efficient and boosts energy output.
  • Both DIY and professional cleaning have their pros and cons.
  • Environmental factors and pollution levels influence cleaning frequency.
  • Advanced cleaning technologies like robots and drones can enhance the process.
  • Understanding warranties and insurance helps protect your investment.


Final Thoughts


At the end of the day, answering the question, “do solar panels need cleaning?”, is an easy one. It’s up to you to decide if you want to go with solar panels from Soly, which don’t require any cleaning! 

When you look at the facts, you can see that solar panel cleaning for other panels may be vital if you wish for them to have a long-life, providing the best power output. Whether you choose to DIY or hire a professional, it’s crucial to understand the best practices to ensure your panels stay in top condition. 

However, if you go with Soly, your future is looking bright and squeaky clean all on its own. 

Get in touch with our Solar Experts. We’re here to support you every step of the way. We provide certified installation because we believe in solar energy for all. With solar panels from Soly, no cleaning is required, which greatly reduces the cost of maintenance. Calculate your savings with Soly today.

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