
Everything You Need to Know About an EV Home Charging Station in 2024

A home charging station isn't just a luxury - it's a necessity for electric vehicle owners.

EVs, or electric vehicles, are becoming more and more mainstream as time goes on. In many ways, it makes sense. Not only do they save money on petrol and cost less than a regular vehicle, but they also go a long way to helping the planet.  Of course, EVs need to be charged in order to go anywhere, and that means the need for a home charging station is on the rise. While you’ll find charging facilities in many towns and cities, the convenience of charging at home cannot be beaten.

To ensure you choose the right home charging station for your needs, you’ll need all the relevant information to make your choice. To help you do just that, let’s delve into the world of home charging for EVs, including purchasing, installing, and maintaining.


To break it down, here are the main points we will discuss in this guide to home EV charging stations. 

  • A home charging station saves money, allows households to utilise renewable energy, and is a convenient alternative to public charging stations.
  • It’s important to choose the right charger for your home and vehicle. This means you need to know the power requirements of your EV and the capacity of your home electrical system.
  • It’s vital to have your home charging station installed professionally. This will ensure local regulations are met.
  • To maintain optimal performance, home charging stations need regular maintenance.
  • The combination of a home charger and a smart home system gives total control over your energy management needs.
  • Home charging becomes even more attractive when you factor in financial savings through government incentives.

Introduction to Home Charging Stations


What is a Home Charging Station?

Electric vehicles need to be charged, and for many people, that means finding a public charging station near home or work. However, a home charging system allows you to charge your EV at home, perhaps overnight, creating a convenient setting.. 

Home charging stations differ from regular wall outlets as they are specifically designed to handle the higher flow of electricity that EVs require for charging. As a result, they charge faster, meaning they are more reliable.

There are several different types of home car charging points, along with different configurations. To find the right type to fit your needs, it’s important to fully understand home charging stations from the get-go. 

Home charging stations come in various types and configurations, each suited to different needs and preferences. Understanding these options is the first step in choosing the best EV charger for your home.

Basic Components of Home Charging Stations

A home charging station is made up of several parts that work simultaneously, therefore ensuring safe and efficient EV charging. These components include: 

  • Charger Unit: This is the main part of the home car charger that contains the key electrics.
  • Connectors: These are the cables and plugs that connect the EV and the charger together.
  • Mounting Hardware: Containing the screws and brackets that hold the charger to your wall or other surface.
  • Interface: A display or interface that controls and monitors the process of charging your EV.

Types of Home Charging Stations

There are two main types of home charging stations. They are: 

  • Level 1 Chargers: These chargers are the slower of the two, using a regular 120V outlet. They give around 2-5 miles per one hour of charging.
  • Level 2 Chargers: These chargers offer faster charging and use a 240V outlet. They typically provide between 10-60 miles per one hour of charging.

The choice between these two types of home EV chargers depends on several factors, including your EV, your driving habits, and the electrical capacity of your home. Of course, you will need a professional EV charger installation regardless of which type you choose.  

Importance of Home Charging Stations

There are many benefits of home electric vehicle charging. The most obvious being that you can simply charge up your EV at home safely and quickly without having to find a public charging station and wait. However, there are other benefits too. 

Aside from convenience, a home charging station is more cost effective, and you can integrate with renewable energy in your home. Let’s explore these benefits in more detail.

Convenience and Accessibility

Without a doubt, the main benefit of a home charging station is convenience. You can go home, plug in your EV, and know that in the morning, it’s fully charged and ready to go. Public charging stations are becoming more mainstream but they aren’t everywhere. Additionally, if you charge at home, you don’t need to wait around for a full charge.  

If you’re a busy person with lots of responsibilities, home car charging saves a lot of time and effort.

Cost Efficiency

Close behind convenience comes cost efficiency. A home chargepoint is more cost effective than using public stations. Electricity rates at home are often lower, and you can reduce costs even more by charging during off-peak times. 

There are some home charger stations that allow you to further optimise your energy use via monitoring features. This adds up to even more savings simply by opting for a home charger over public ones.

Integration with Renewable Energy

We hear a lot about how we need to move toward renewable energy sources to help the planet, and residential charging stations can do that. Home charging stations can be integrated with other renewable energy sources in your home, such as solar panels. As a result, you can charge your vehicle using green energy, and do your bit in the fight against climate change. 

Additionally, you can save money by using renewable energy. You can generate your own power and avoid having to rely on the grid, and you can also sell back any excess energy you generate. Of course in order to benefit from this, you need to ensure you opt for a professional home charger installation to ensure everything is connected correctly. 

Common Questions about Home Charging Stations

Electric vehicles themselves are a relatively new deal and it’s normal to have questions. When you throw home charging into the mix, these queries become even more pressing. Let’s explore some of the most frequently asked questions about EV home charging. 

  • What is a home EV charger?
    • An EV home charger is a device that is professionally installed within your home. It allows you to charge your EV at home in a safe and efficient manner, without having to find a public charging point. 
  • Why is home charging important?
    • Charging your EV at home has many benefits, not least convenience. You can fully charge your vehicle during off-peak hours and save cash. You can also use green energy sources to reduce your carbon footprint.
  • How do I choose the right EV charger for my home?
    • It’s important to carefully think about the features you’d like your home charging unit to have. You should identify your home’s electrical capacity and your EV’s charging needs. 
  • Do I need a professional to install my home charger?
    • Professional car charger installation is essential. This ensures that your EV home charger is installed correctly and safely, while complying with all regulations.

Choosing the Right Home Charging Station


Power Requirements

The first step to choosing the best chargers for electric cars is identifying your home’s power requirements and those of your EV itself. All vehicles have slightly different capabilities when it comes to charging. You need to know for sure that the electrical system you currently have in your home can support charging your EV. 

The best advice here is to talk to an electrician so they can do an inspection of your home and give you accurate guidance. From there, you can arrange home car charger installation with peace of mind.

Most residential homes have single-phase power sources, which can support both types of EV chargers (level 1 and 2). However, it could be that you have a three-phase supply, which is something an electrician will be able to advise you on. In that case, you should purchase a level 2 EV charger as you have a higher output of power in your home. 

After a certified electrician has evaluated your home, you’ll know whether you need to arrange an upgrade to your home electrical system before having an EV charger installed.  

Matching Charger to Vehicle

In addition to checking your home power supply, it’s important to know that not all EVs support the same charging speed. For that reason, you need to have in-depth information about your EV’s abilities before opting for home electric vehicle charging. At the very least, you need to know the maximum rate of charging so you can purchase the right EV charger to work with it. 

If you have an electric vehicle with a 7.4 kW charging rate, you should opt for a level 2 charger. This combination will give you efficient charging at high speeds. Taking the time to consider these power details before EV charger installation will save you a lot of time and money in the future.

Installation Considerations

Home charger installation should always be done by a professional. This is a vital piece of the puzzle that ensures not only efficient charging but safe charging. A certified electrician will do the honours, but you’ll also need to obtain a permit and have a site inspection completed. By following these three steps, you’ll comply with local rules and regulations, and your charger will be safe and efficient to use. 

Let’s take a look at each step in more detail. 

Hiring a Certified Electrician

A high-quality, certified electrician will ensure that your home charging station covers all necessary regulations and that it is safe both when charging and when not. It’s never worth scrimping on safety, so hiring a professional is a vital step to follow. It goes without saying that you should never attempt electric car charger installation yourself. 

Site Inspection

Before your home chargepoint is installed, you will need to have a site inspection. This step assesses the best place for your charger and whether you need any upgrades beforehand. This inspection is done by your electrician who will assess your home’s electrical panel, wiring, and if you need any mounting for the home car charger installation. 

This inspection will be quite thorough but it’s nothing to worry about. It is a necessary step to ensure that when installation occurs, it is quick, easy, and safe. 

Features to Look For

When looking for the best EV charger, what should you consider? There are many features available on the market these days, many of which are designed to boost convenience and ease of use. 

A few key features to think about include whether the charger allows for scheduling, smart connectivity, and energy monitoring. These extra features allow for cost savings and a more efficient charging experience. 

Smart Connectivity

If you choose a home charger with smart connectivity, you’ll be able to control your charging station via an app on your phone. You’ll know the charging status of your EV home charger, how much it is costing, and how much energy it is consuming. This feature also allows you to remotely pause your home charger, schedule a new time for charging, and you’ll also get a notification on the app if there are any issues. 

Energy Monitoring

This feature makes it easy to track the energy your EV charger is consuming and how much it is costing you. You’ll be able to access reports on usage and you can use that information to plan home charging times and therefore save on your energy bills. 

If you’re on a time-of-use electricity plan at home, this feature can be a real cost-saver as you can choose the best and most cost-effective times for home EV charging. 


Scheduling is an ideal feature for busy people as it allows you to schedule your home car charging point to start and stop. If you want to save cash, it’s a good idea to charge during off-peak hours, and you can schedule for that to happen. Of course, home charging scheduling also means that your EV will be fully charged for when you will need it.

Installation Process


Planning and Preparation

Once you have chosen the best home charging station, it’s time to think about installation. This is where planning comes in very useful. As mentioned earlier, you need to have your home checked for electrical capacity, the right location needs to be identified, and you need to obtain a permit. Let’s delve further into these key steps prior to home charger installation. 

Obtaining Necessary Permits

This may not be a step everyone needs to follow as it depends on where you are located. However, it’s possible that you may need a permit to install a home charging station. Always check with your local authorities to see whether you need a permit before proceeding. Failing to do so could land you in very hot water indeed. 

Generally speaking, a permit is simply required to make sure that your home car charger installation meets local safety standards and building codes. If you find you do need a permit, obtain this before arranging installation. That way, you avoid any major issues later on. 

Electrical Upgrades

We mentioned earlier that if your home doesn’t meet the right specifications, you may need to arrange for electrical upgrades to be done. These allow your home system to support your EV charger. There are a few areas where upgrades may be required for home EV chargers, including the electrical panel itself. However, it might also be that you need a new circuit or outlet installed. A qualified electrician will be able to give you advice and carry out such upgrades, should you need them. Of course, this will need to be done before home charger installation to ensure safety and efficiency. 

Installation Steps

We know the pre-installation routine, but what actually happens during car charger installation?

There are several steps your electrician will carry out. These need to be completed correctly to ensure your home charger not only works well, but works safely. 

Mounting the Charger

The first step in home charger installation is to mount the EV charger itself. During your home evaluation, your electrician will have identified the best location for your charging point. Then, it will be secured to the wall, or on a pedestal if that is a better option. Either way, the home car charger should be easily accessible for you to charge your EV, and away from any environmental issues (e.g. rain) if you’re charging outside. 

Connecting to Power Supply

Step two of the electric car charger installation process is to connect the charger to your home power supply. Your electrician will run wires from your home’s electrical panel to the home charger. They will also install a circuit breaker for the charger itself. This ensures safety in case of any problems during the charging process and compliance with local codes. 

Once the home charger is properly connected to the power supply, it is ready to be tested. 

Testing and Configuration

The final step in installing a home charger is to test it and ensure it is configured correctly. This step is also done by your electrician who will test that the charger functions correctly. They will also apply settings according to your wishes, such as scheduling, smart features, and connecting to an app for remote access to your home charger.

Post-Installation Considerations

Once the home EV charging station is installed correctly, it will need to be maintained regularly. Remember, a home charger is a piece of electrical equipment so it will occasionally need software updates and it will also need a regular inspection. Following this guidance will ensure your home charger works well over the long-term, and any potential issues are picked up early and rectified. 


In terms of maintenance, your home charger will need to be cleaned regularly, including the connectors. Any wear or tear should be checked and rectified, and you should check that the connections are secure. You will use your home car charging point very regularly so it’s important to keep it in the best condition. That way, it will last much longer and you can be confident that your home charger is working safely with your EV. 

Software Updates

Just like your phone, laptop, and tablet, home EV chargers occasionally need software updates. This shouldn’t be a very frequent occurrence but updates ensure that performance is optimal, new features can be downloaded, and security is boosted. By ensuring that you keep your charger up to date, you’ll have the most recent technology. 


Residential charging stations should be checked periodically, at least every month. This ensures that any problems are picked up early and can be rectified before they turn into huge issues. Provided you have home charger installation carried out by a qualified electrician, you shouldn’t have any problems in the first year or so, but you should check the charger regularly for any damage. Additionally, a periodical check should cover connection security, and proper functioning.

Troubleshooting and Maintenance


Common Issues and Solutions

Just like any piece of technology, home electric vehicle charging points can sometimes run into problems. In that case, it’s important to troubleshoot and identify the problem. That way, your home charging point remains safe and functional. 

The most common problems with home charging involve hardware issues, interruptions in charging, and connectivity. 

Connectivity Issues

Connectivity problems tend to happen with EV home chargers that work with Bluetooth or Wi-Fi for specific features. In this case, simply resetting the router or even the charger can fix the problem. A home charger software update may also prove useful. 

Charging Interruptions

If you experience an interruption in electric car charging at home, it’s probably down to either a power outage, or a fault with either your home electrical system or the home charger itself. The first step is to check your power supply and ensure that all connections are secure. Then, reset your charger. If you still have no joy, you’ll need to consult with a technician to solve the problem. 

Faulty Hardware

From time to time, faulty hardware may be an issue. This can result in a charging station that is unsafe, or doesn’t function at all. Professional car charger installation will be able to spot these issues early on. However, if you hear strange noises coming from your home charging station, it seems to be overheating, or you can see damage, stop charging straight away. Then, reach out to a technician to repair the charger. 

Common Questions about Troubleshooting and Maintenance

Let’s explore some common troubleshooting and maintenance questions. 

  • What should I do if my home charger stops working?
    • First, check your power supply. Then, reset your EV charger, and reach out to customer support if you have no joy. 
  • How often should I maintain my home EV charger?
    • Regularly clean your EV charger and carry out a monthly inspection. Alongside this, update your software whenever prompted. 
  • How can I identify hardware issues with my home charger?
    • The key signs are overheating, odd noises, or damage that is clearly visible to the eye. If you spot any of this, contact a professional before attempting home electric vehicle charging again. 

Environmental Impact and Sustainability

It’s not all about convenience and cost saving. Home electric vehicle charging also allows you to use renewable energy sources that reduce your carbon footprint. The use of renewable energy in general, such as home charging alongside solar panels, helps you to do your bit toward a more sustainable, and cleaner future. 

Home charging outside peak hours helps to reduce the load on the grid, as well as allowing you to utilise smart features. Smart charging, load balancing, and energy monitoring are just a few we have mentioned. These help to reduce your energy use and cut down on waste while home charging.   

Recycling and Disposal

Once you are ready to change your home charger, it’s important to dispose of it correctly. Many companies have recycling mechanisms for old home chargers, so it’s a good idea to see what is available in your area. That way, you’re continuing your efforts in creating a cleaner environment and future. 

Sustainable Materials

Another option to think about when choosing a home charging station is whether it is made from sustainable materials. If you opt for this type of home charger, you will be reducing the footprint left by your charger even before you use it. Eco-friendly materials are sourced in a less damaging way to the environment, contributing to a cleaner future.

Common Questions about Environmental Impact and Sustainability

Alongside cost-saving and convenience, we hear a lot of questions about environmental impact and sustainability. Here are some of the most common. 

  • How does using a home charger reduce my carbon footprint?
    • Using renewable energy sources helps us to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels over time, e.g. the use of solar power. Additionally off-peak home electric vehicle charging helps to reduce stress on the grid. 
  • What are some sustainable practices for home charging stations?
    • Integration with renewable energy, such as solar panels, is a great place to start. You can also use features such as smart charging, and ensure that you dispose of old home chargers in a responsible way.  
  • How can I recycle my old charger?
    • Look for companies offering home charger recycling programs in your area.

Cost Considerations and Savings


Upfront Costs

Before choosing a home charging station, you need to consider the costs, especially the upfront ones. This will include purchasing the charger and fees for home charger installation. 

Let’s delve into these costs so you can make an informed decision about the best choice for you. 

Cost of Chargers

The cost of a home charging station can vary wildly from around £650 to more than a thousand pounds. It all depends on the features of each particular charger. The cheapest type of charger will be a level 1, but level 2 chargers have more features and a higher power output. As a result, these are more expensive. 

The best advice is to think about your needs and your realistic budget before making a decision on which home charging station is for you.  

Installation Costs

Home charger installation costs can be quite high, but it’s vital to follow this step to ensure safe and efficient charging. Installation by a certified electrician also ensures that your EV charger complies with all regulations. 

EV charger installation typically includes the cost of labour, any upgrades required to your electrical system, obtaining a permit, and any other material required. But to stress once more: this isn’t a step you should miss. 

Cost Component

Approximate Cost

  • Charger Unit: £650-£1,200
  • Electrical Upgrades: £150-£500
  • Labour: £200-£500
  • Permits: £50-£150

Operating Costs

Aside from the cost of purchasing and installing your home charger, you need to think about operating costs. This is how much it costs per month to run your home charging station. You can reduce this cost by charging during off-peak hours and utilising any smart features your home charger has. This will help you monitor how much energy you’re using and therefore reduce how much it costs. 

Additionally, regular maintenance of your home charging point will spot problems early on and help you keep costs low. 

Electricity Rates

Home charging rates are usually lower than you would pay at a public charging point. That means you’re saving from the get-go by using a home charging station. But, as mentioned, you can reduce this further by using your home charger during off-peak hours, when electricity consumption costs less. 

Maintenance Costs

Overall, maintenance costs should be minimal and with regular checks, you can avoid major repairs to your home EV charging point. Maintenance includes cleaning your home charger, carrying out software updates, and periodically checking the charger for signs of damage. It’s only if you spot a problem that you’ll need to pay anything. 

Financial Incentives

With the push toward cleaner energy sources, many governments offer incentives that lower the cost of purchasing and running an EV charger. These incentives could also lower the cost of home charger installation, and may include tax credits, and grants. It’s a good idea to do some research into any incentives that may be available in your local area before purchasing a home charging station outright. You should also look at other grants that may be available for renewable energy sources, such as government grants for solar panels in the UK

Tax Credits

While grants can help with outright costs, tax credits can also help reduce the cost of home charger installation. Governments may offer tax credits which can then be claimed back on your annual tax return. This helps to reduce your tax bill and the general cost of running your home charging station. 

Long-Term Savings

It’s important to see a home charging station as an investment that will last over the long-term. Constantly using public charging stations costs a large amount even over just a few months and is far less convenient than charging at home. Of course, it is also cheaper, thanks to lower electricity rates, and a home charger can also increase the value of your property, should you wish to sell one day. 

Cost Savings from Home Charging

You can save money twice with home charging, compared to using public infrastructure. Firstly, it can sometimes be hard to find a public charging station, and then you have to wait. Being a public service, it is likely to cost more. 

However, if you choose home charging, you will benefit from lower electricity rates. You can reduce this even further by charging your EV during off-peak hours. These savings will add up considerably over time and offset the cost of your home car charging point. 

Increased Property Value

Many buyers look favourably upon houses that have an EV home charger installed. This is likely to become more commonplace as electric vehicles become more popular still. Therefore, installing a home charging station will increase the value of your home and be popular amongst buyers with an environmental conscience. 

Common Questions about Cost Considerations and Savings

Let’s explore some frequently asked questions about the cost and savings involved with EV home charging. 

  • How much does it cost to install a home EV charger?
    • The price depends on many different factors but is generally between £650-1000. 
  • Are there any financial incentives for installing a home EV charger?
    • It’s certainly worthwhile exploring grants and tax credits offered by the government. These can offset the cost of purchasing and installing a home EV charger. 
  • What are the long-term savings of home charging?
    • It is cheaper to charge your EV at home compared to using public charging stations. If you charge outside of peak hours and use smart features, you can reduce the cost even further. It’s also likely that the value of your home will increase if you install a home charging station.

Learnings Recap

This lengthy guide has covered everything you need to know about home EV charging. From what it is, to why it’s useful, how to choose the right home charger, to installation, and cost savings, we’ve imparted plenty of wisdom. All of this will help you decide whether home charging is for you, and will enable you to make an informed choice when purchasing a home charger. 

To break it down, here are the main points to remember: 

  • A home charging station is a convenient option for EV owners. It can also save money and tap into the potential for renewable energy sources, reducing your carbon footprint. 
  • It’s important to choose the right home charger for you. That means doing your research and understanding both your home’s power capacity and that of your EV. 
  • It is vital to have your home charging station installed by a professional. This ensures safety, efficiency, and compliance with regulations. 
  • Another key step is to regularly maintain your home charger to check for any signs of damage or any budding issues. Troubleshooting and quick repairs will save money and time down the road. 
  • It’s possible to use a smart home system alongside a home charger, therefore adding extra energy management control. 
  • There are incentives and savings offered by governments to encourage EV users to charge their vehicles at home. It’s a good idea to look into these before making a

Final Thoughts

If you own an electric vehicle, considering a home charging station is a good idea. Public charging stations may be increasing, but nothing beats the convenience of charging your EV at home. Not only that, but home chargers save money, and help you reduce your carbon footprint. 

However, it’s important to do your research and know as much as possible before opting for a home charger. That way, you can remain within budget and charge your EV safely and efficiently. 

Soly is on hand to help you charge your EV with solar energy. We’re committed to sustainability and renewable energy, particularly through solar panels and solar battery storage. We’re happy to give you all the advice you need. Don’t hesitate to contact us to learn even more about what we can offer and how you can incorporate solar energy for your EV home charger.


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