This privacy statement applies if you are a customer of Soly.

We receive your information directly from you via our website.

Personal information

  • First and surname;
  • Address, post code and place of residence;
  • E-mail address and telephone number;
  • Date of birth;
  • Customer number;
  • Indicative energy consumption (if you provide this and/or we can see this in the monitoring system);
  • Number of people in the household;
  • Recordings of outgoing telephone calls (for training purposes);
  • Signature under the contract;
  • Photos of your roof and metre cupboard (and completion);
  • What agreements we make with you;
  • Notes on telephone calls.


  • We process your personal information for one or more of the following purposes (partly depending on which services you use):
  • To send an offer;
  • To conclude and execute the agreement;
  • To plan and deliver the installation;
  • To be able to contact you;
  • To monitor and improve our services, such as for training purposes;
  • To provide services;
  • To handle complaints;
  • To process payments;
  • To inform you by sending newsletters and keep you informed about our services.

Lawful Basis

  • We process personal data so that we can enter into an agreement with you and/or perform the agreement we have concluded with you.
  • We process personal data if we have to comply with a legal obligation.
  • We process data concerning your consumption in the monitoring system if you have given your permission to do so when entering into the agreement. You can withdraw this consent at any time. Please contact our customer service or arrange this via the Soly app.

Storage location
We process your personal data in our secure systems. We have signed contracts with our processors for sharing personal information.

Retention period
We keep the data for as long as we need the data to perform the agreement. If you have dissolved an agreement with us, we will keep the data for a maximum of 6 months after dissolution, unless the data falls under the legal administration obligation (then it is 7 years).

Third parties
We cooperate with third parties to whom we (may) share your personal data. These include installation companies that install solar panels. Soly has signed contracts with third parties for sharing personal information.